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How to Learn Transcendental
Meditation® Using Your Tuition Assistance Program

Getting Started:

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Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique... This form of meditation allows your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation and your mind to achieve a state of inner peace, without needing to use concentration or effort. 

Course description

ED 101/2
The Transcendental Meditation® technique

This course covers the nature of the practice of the TM® technique, scientific research, and its applications in individual life and society. Personal instruction in the TM technique is included in this course. The laboratory component of this course will include twice-daily practice of the TM technique and follow-up personal and group checking sessions and knowledge meetings.

This course is jointly offered by Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and authorized Transcendental Meditation® centers throughout the USA.

Course structure - how you’ll learn

Phase One – Instruction, One month of daily practice, and follow-up meetings

Step 1: Introductory talk and personal interview (60 minutes)

Step 2: Personal one-on-one instruction in the TM technique (60 minutes)

Steps 3-5: Three days of group instruction verifying the correctness of the practice and understanding its mechanics. (60 minutes each meeting)

  • Three Follow-up meetings (45 minutes each meeting)
  • Personal meeting with instructor

Phase Two – Two months of daily practice and follow-up meetings

In addition to the twice daily practice of the TM technique, the course includes the following meetings:

  • Two meetings with group meditation (45 minutes each meeting)
  • Personal meeting with instructor

Phases One and Two - must be completed within 4 months.

Who can take this course?

This credit-bearing, non-degree course is open to all adults, college students, and high school students. Course participants will be enrolled as special students at Maharishi University of Management. The student earns 2 hours of college credit upon completion of both phase one and two of the course within in a four-month period.

What is the tuition of this course?

The tuition is $1,100, payable in full before you begin Step 2. There are no refunds once personal instruction has begun.

What is the TM® technique?

It’s a simple, natural technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

The TM technique is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice, and is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. Over six million people have learned it — people of all ages, cultures, and religions.

Evidence-based wellness

Over 380 published studies have found that the TM technique produces significant improvements in:

What if I’m not good at controlling my mind?

No problem. Unlike other forms of meditation, TM practice involves:

What is TM’s value in daily life?

Extensive peer-reviewed published research on the TM technique has found a wide range of wellness benefits including:

Transcendental Meditation doesn’t focus on breathing or chanting, like other forms of meditation. Instead, it encourages a restful state of mind beyond thinking… A 2009 study found Transcendental Meditation helped alleviate stress in college students, while another found it helped reduce blood pressure, anxiety, depression and anger.

Perhaps its greatest benefit is that it’s relatively quick to learn and easy to master. No waiting weeks or months of practice before you see results: TM cuts right to the chase, taking only days – or for some, minutes – before one feels reprieve from their painful and overwhelming thoughts.

Videos on TM

Ellen DeGeneres compares TM with other meditations she’s tried (2:03)

TM scholarships have been given to over 500,000 at-risk students, military veterans, and others in need (3:26)

Jerry Seinfeld introduces TM on ABC’s Good Morning America (3:58)

Presented by

Center for Leadership Performance


Maharishi University of Management

Special message from your Tuition Assistance Program

If you are currently looking for a way to help yourself reduce stress, improve your mental health and well-being, or help normalize your blood pressure, you can learn even more about the ​benefits and the Transcendental Meditation technique ​here

Contact us

Keith Wegman PhD

(800) 964-9213